Duda sobre las características de este deco / Doubt about the characteristics of this deco


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Duda sobre las características de este deco / Doubt about the characteristics of this deco

Post by Osceco »

Hola. Aquí un recién llegado al grupo en busca de vuestro consejo. Busco un deco para mi padre que sea fácil de usar por una persona mayor. Vamos, que sólo tenga que apretar on/off, el volumen y el número del canal. Por lo que he leído, el GTMedia IFire se ajusta a lo que busco. Por favor, aquellos que lo usáis ¿me podéis confirmar que este deco tiene estas 3 características?
-Que los canales se vean nada más encenderlo, sin tener que navegar por menús.
-Que el mando tenga botones con números (para elegir canal).
-Que pueda importar listas m3u elaboradas por mí, para seleccionar sólo los canales que le interesan.
Muchas gracias de antemano.

Hello. Here's a newcomer to the group looking for your advice. I am looking for a deco for my father that is easy for an elderly person to use. Come on, just press on/off, volume and channel number. From what I've read, the GTMedia IFire fits what I'm looking for. Please, those of you who use it, can you confirm that this deco has these 3 characteristics?
-That the channels are seen as soon as you turn it on, without having to navigate through menus.
-That the control has buttons with numbers (to choose channel).
-That you can import m3u lists made by me, to select only the channels that interest you.
Thank you very much in advance.

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Re: Duda sobre las características de este deco / Doubt about the characteristics of this deco

Post by Feralkiwi »

I have always wanted a learning remote that has large buttons that are labeled with the channels name / logo and can be programed to send 0, 5, 1, OK (the equivalent of four button presses) for channel 51, so once pressed the channel is selected.

What I do suggest for your father is to disable the buttons on the remote you do not want pressed, like menu.
I have done this by opening the remote and placing tape over the circuits below those buttons to stop their use.

Dishes; 3x3m, 2.4m and 4.1m, 10+ ku, 2 movers, USARLS. V8 Combo, Pro, V8 Golden, Nova V8Pro2, GTC, Super.V7HDs, Combo and V7s V7Plus Finder, Finder-Meter V8X / UHD V7Pro GT/XCombo. Sats 100.5E to 177W. I'm a Sat hobbyist who helps out.

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Re: Duda sobre las características de este deco / Doubt about the characteristics of this deco

Post by Osceco »

Thanks for your reply Owen. I'll keep it in mind. I'm still interested to know if the IFire meets the other 2 requirements. Someone can confirm it? Thank you

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